BREATH, EYES, MEMORY (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls) Scratches by DJ Rhettmatic of the World Famous Beat Junkies. Recorded by J. Rawls at The Spot, Pickerington, OH. Mixed and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI.
THE CONFIDENCE OF KNOWING ft. Jimetta Rose and Blu (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls, J. Barnes III, J. Smith) Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI; Azulito’s Birthday Cake ASCAP; NappyStarr Publishing ASCAP.
NATIVE SONS (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls) Scratches by DJ Rhettmatic of the World Famous Beat Junkies. Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI.
WE OUTSIDE ft. TriState (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls, D. Ceruti) Recorded at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. and The Hut, Honolulu. Keys by B Jazz of The Liquid Crystal Project. Mixed and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI; Three Dimensional Records BMI.
TO THE GHETTO (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls) Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Additional keys and vocals by B Jazz of The Liquid Crystal Project. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI.
SWAT ft. Coast Contra (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls, T. Austin, R. Austin, E. Morrison, M. Lozano) Recorded at Studio 5A by Federico "c sik" Lopez. Mixed and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI; Taj Austin Music BMI; Ras Austin Music BMI; Eric Jamal Music BMI; RiozLos Music
TURNSTYLE ft. Buckshot and Skyzoo (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls, K. Blake, G. Taylor) Scratches by DJ Rhettmatic of the World Famous Beat Junkies. Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI; Target Practice Music ASCAP; Rudy For Publishing BMI; Skyzoo appears courtesy of FGR Inc.
SHALAMAR ft. Ras Kass (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls, J. Austin) Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Beat inspired by DJ Buka. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI; Austin John R ASCAP.
PAY HOMAGE ft. IDK, Planet Asia, Phil The Agony and Middle Child (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls, J Mills, J. Green, J. Smith) Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Additional vocals by Middle Child recorded by J. Rawls at The Spot, Pickerington, OH. Additional keys by Duante St. Louis. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI; Clue No Clue Publishing (BMI), Bleedy Eyes MUSIC ASCAP; Roland Wells Music ASCAP.
LOVE FOR LIFE ft. Georgia Anne Muldrow and Jimetta Rose (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls, J. Smith, G. Muldrow) Recorded by J. Rawls at The Spot, Pickerington, OH. Mixed and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Keys by B Jazz of The Liquid Crystal Project; Drums by Rob Riley of The Liquid Crystal Project; Saxophone by Eddie Bayard of The Liquid Crystal Project. PenSkills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI; NappyStarr Publishing ASCAP; Epistrophik Peach Publishing BMI.
STEVE AUSTIN ft. Diani (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls, D. Greene) Recorded by Anthony Gallo at Virtue and Vice Studios, Brooklyn, NYC and Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Mixed, and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI; Diani Eshe BMI
SING INTO THE SKY ft. Solene and NIKO IS (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls, A. Cuadra, N. Paiva) Recorded at El Convento Hotel, Old San Juan by Federico "c sik" Lopez. Mixed and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Keys by B Jazz of The Liquid Crystal Project. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI; Amber Sierra Cuadra BMI; NIKO IS BMI
IT’S WORKING ft. Middle Child (written by T. Greene, J. Rawls) Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by Federico "c sik" Lopez at The Drug Lab, Los Angeles, Ca. Additional vocals by Middle Child recorded by J Rawls at The Spot, Pickerington, OH.. Penskills Music BMI; Fifty-Two Sca Doo Music BMI.
All songs produced by J. Rawls for Polar Entertainment, LLC.
Executive Produced by Talib Kweli & J. Rawls
Product Management by Donna Dragotta
Album Photography by Chino Chase
Art Direction by Talib Kweli, J. Rawls and Federico "c sik" Lopez
A&R by Talib Kweli and J. Rawls
Big thanks going out to Perry Greene, Brenda Greene, Jamal Greene, Diani Eshe, Amani Fela, Marshauna Campbell, Justice Ade, Young Deion, Patt Rawls, Josiah Rawls, Josh Rawls, Justus Rawls, Evelyn Rawls, Donna Dragotta, Federico "c sik" Lopez, Chino Chase, Dave Chappelle, Yasiin Bey, NIKO IS, JuJu, Rubix, Zean, LG, Seth Byrd, Louis Campbell, jessica Care moore, Steffanie Chris'tian, The Whiskey Boys, Middle Child, DJ Center, DJ O Sharp, Pos2, Dave Murray, Kamau, DJ Nyack and the whole Brazil fam, Nico Robinson, The Ohio State University Department of African and African American Studies and School of Music, Sunny Anderson, Tiffany Dena Loftin, Solene Velvet, Nina Kharoufeh, Big June, Kevin Blakely, John Robinson, Wordsworth, Fresh Professor, Maureen C’ Kenji, Matt Rogers, Bo Hamlett, Tone Williams, Nick Cervi, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, Jungle Brothers, Queen Latifah, Monie Love, Black Sheep, Chi Ali, Beatnuts, Busta Rhymes, Leaders of the New School, Chris Atlas, DJ Eclipse, Fat Beats, Large Professor, Stacy Epps, Jimetta Rose, Georgia Anne Muldrow, Blu, DJ Rhettmatic, The Liquid Crystal Project (B Jazz, Eddie Bayard, Rob Riley, Selah Benjamin, Mike Ealy), TriState, Planet Asia, Anthony Gallo, Coast Contra, Buckshot, Dru Ha, Skyzoo, Diamond D, Phil The Agony, Krondon, Shafiq Husayn, Gat Murdah, Mr Mecc, Ras Kass, Cory Mo, Land Grant Brewing, Used Kids, Spoonful, Roots, The Kutt, Elizabeth’s, Lost Weekend, Everybody’s and all the records stores that fuel vinyl addiction!
Very special shout out to Dave Jolicoeur, Danny Rawls & DJ Buka, may your memory forever live on.